دورة الغواص المبتدئ

دورة الغواص المبتدئ

The Open Water Scuba Diver certification is a foundational diving qualification that allows individuals to dive independently with a buddy, without the need for direct supervision by a dive professional. It's typically offered by diving organizations such as PADI, SSI, and NAUI.

185.000  د.ك
185.0 KWD 185.000  د.ك
185.000  د.ك
المسؤول Administrator
آخر تحديث 04 سبتمبر, 2024
الأعضاء 13
  1. Age must be atleast: 10+
  2. Organization: PADI
  3. Duration: 1-2 weeks (depends on whether condition)
  4. The course will cover: online lecture " E-learning " Two days confined water "swimming pool" To teach you diving skills (2-3 HRS per day). Two days open water "sea"
  • Four dive total - Two dives per day (each dive 30 minutes).
  • Then, the student will be certified as Open water scuba diver verified worldwide.