EFR | Emergency First Response

EFR | Emergency First Response

EFR, or Emergency First Response, is a training program in diving that teaches divers how to handle medical emergencies, particularly those that might occur during or after a dive. It covers primary care (CPR), secondary care (first aid), and sometimes includes training on the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and providing care for children.

70.000  د.ك
70.0 KWD 70.000  د.ك
70.000  د.ك
Responsible Jhon
Last Update 09/04/2024
Members 5
  1. Age must be atleast: 10+
  2. Price: 70kwd
  3. Organization: PADI
  4. The course will cover: 
  • One day in the center to practice skills.
  • Then, the student will be certified as rescue diver verified worldwide